Agricultural and Rural Policy Undersecretary Illar Lemetti meat online businesses today introduced the proposal to create a Ministry of sausages at least 60-percent meat content shown on the sign.
"The classification is one of the possibilities for the production of meat, which greatly simplifies the choice of the consumers and producers at the same time provides a good sales argument," said Lemetti. "Food labeling is a consumer rather complex, so we can see that the higher the meat content of character creation to increase the clarity and simplicity of the purchasing decision."
The Ministry of Agriculture has proposed to create a clear and unambiguous sign, which may be included boiled sausages, frankfurters and sardellide packaging if the product is at least 60% meat content, and the product does not contain meat. The use of the label would be on voluntary basis.
The original idea of creating a classification of sausage products Department of Agriculture approached already in 2011. Tallinn Technical University, Institute of food scientists, who pointed out that the various boiled frankfurters and meat content of the differences are very large, thereby causing consumer confusion. Expressed support for the idea of his Institute for Health Development and the Consumer Protection Board.
Sausage meat content of products made for a mark during the week, and made available to the Department of Agriculture's website within a month from the meat traders forum has been invited to give their feedback, followed by discussions.