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Lõplik sündmus

Video clip "CAP: 50 Years On"

We present you the video clip "CAP: 50 Years On". It summarizes conclusions made during the final conference in Brussels.


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“CAP, Past and Future”

We present you the publication “CAP, Past and Future” as seen by everyone involved.

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Lõplik sündmus

Interview with Manuel Luís Rebelo Gomes

Mr. Gomes I’m calling you because you were the winner in the category Quality, diversity, health – the European agricultural policy and production of the Video/photo competition “RE:TURN TO THE FUTURE – AGRICULTURE”. Yes, I saw that on the competition website, it was very good! I have another announcement for you. Your photo was also considered the best in the...
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Lõplik sündmus

Interview with Ott Rõngas

Why you chose to participate with this particular video in our contest? Throughout this summer I participated on a project with Valga county Leader coordinator Aili Keldo and young director Kerli Adov with who we filmed over 15 villages in Valga county and called the movie "Stories of Valga county villages". We met many agricultural farms and these people, who were so close to the land, that...
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Lõplik sündmus

Interview with Francisco Telles Varela

Why you chose to participate with this particular picture in our contest? I chose this picture because I think that transmits a very strong message demonstrating the hard work and the great value of rural life. Right now the return to basics is a reality and there is a huge economic potential in our agricultural fields that is being wasted. How did you hear about our competition? I heard...
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Lõplik sündmus

Interview with Eddy Kont

Why you chose to participate with this particular picture in our contest? This picture to my mind represented the theme of the contest in the best way. Also I just liked the unusual sight of so many storks resting early in the morning - the picture was taken about 4:30AM. How did you hear about our competition? A friend sent me a link. How she heard about it, I'm not sure. Do you think...
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Lõplik sündmus

Lõppkonverents „Tagasipöördumine tulevikku – põllumajandus“

14.detsembril toimus Brüsselis informatsioonikampaania „ÜPP: tagasipöördumine tulevikku“ lõppkonverents. Ametliku ürituse teemaks oli „ÜPP: 50 aastat hiljem“. Sellest võtsid osa nelja projektis osalenud riigi põllumeeste ühenduste, kohalike initsiatiivgruppide ja mahetootjate esindajad ning samuti Bulgaaria esindajad Euroopa Parlamendis ja Euroopa Komisjonis.

Esitleti raamatut „ÜPP, minevik ja tulevik“. See sisaldab kokkuvõtteid neljast Bulgaarias, Eestis, Portugalis ja Maltal toimunud ümarlauast.

Lõppkonverentsil toimus samuti foto/videokonkursi „Tagasipöördumine tulevikku – põllumajandus“ võitjate autasustamine.

1_Manuel_Luis_Gomes_Rebelo_Wine_Douro_Valley.jpg Francisco_Telles_Varela_Back_to_Basics.JPG A_field_of_storks__Eddy_Kont.jpg home.jpg


Manuel Luis 
Rebelo Gomes

"Back to Basics"

Francisco Telles 

"A field of storks"

Eddy Kont


Ott Rõngas

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