Rahvusvaheline konverents ÜPP: MINEVIK JA TULEVIK, 26-27 juuni Sofia
24.08.12 | Rahvusvaheline konverents
Opening session
Moderator: Juliana Nikolova, Adviser to the Political Cabinet of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria.
Official addresses from: Dr. Miroslav Naydenov, Minister of Agriculture and Food; European Commission representative: Mihail DUMITRU, Director, Directorate E RURAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES I, Directorate-General Agriculture and Rural Development; Violeta Stanicic, European Parliament Information Office for Bulgaria; Mariya Nedelcheva, Member of the EP; Toomas Kukk, Ambassador of Estonia to the Republic Bulgaria.
- Opening session
- Expert panel: The Bulgarian, Estonian, Portuguese and Maltese agriculture under the CAP
- Branch organizations panel: Maintaining the production capacity of communities: the local experience
- CSO and NGO panel: What do (urban) citizens expect from CAP?
- Investment in the future: My idea of life in rural areas
- Plenary session: Quality, diversity, health – the European agricultural policy and production
- LAG panel: The future of rural society
- Organic Farming, the CAP and small member states