Cláudia Bandeiras

28.06.12 | Perfil e apresentações dos participantes

Senior Technician, Degree in Agricultural Engineering, Branch of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology Institute of Agronomy, Technical University of Lisbon. Master in Planning and Environmental Planning, Faculty of Science and Technology, New University of Lisbon.


ADREPES is a non-profit Portuguese private law association whose purpose is the promotion and the achievement of the Península de Setúbal coastal and rural development.

It was created in November 27th 2001 by eleven entities, both state and private ones, representing the local populations and producers who were organised in a Local Action Group (LAG) and simultaneously formed the ADREPES founding core.

ADREPES is currently managing the PRODER (FEADER) Sub- programme 3 and the PROMAR (FEP) Axis 4 in the Península de Setúbal.

ADREPES presently relies on the work of 20 associate members who actively participate in the association and act as strategic partners while developing their activities.


“LEADER at Península de Setúbal: good practice in Portugal”.pdfpdf.gif(1.91 MB)

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