
27.05.13 | News

Bee Health: EU-wide restrictions on Pesticide use to enter into force on 1 December

A restriction on the use of three pesticides belonging to the neonicotinoid family was adopted by the Commission. These pesticides (clothianidin, imidacloprid and thiametoxam) were identified as being harmful to Europe’s honeybee population. This restriction will enter into force as from 1 December 2013 and will be reviewed, at the latest, within two years. It targets pesticides used in...

21.05.13 | News

Pesticide firms compete to showcase bee-protection programmes

Monsanto’s “Bee Summits” and Bayer AG’s “Bee care centre” are the latest examples of how pesticide makers are competing to showcase their goodwill to policymakers in Europe and the US that they are taking the necessary steps to protect bee populations. The companies say their pesticides are not the problem, but critics say science shows the opposite,...

20.05.13 | News

Bulgaria for the first time is taking part in the biggest food exhibition in the world

Ministry of Agriculture and Food is organising the first ever participation of Bulgaria in the biggest US and around the world show in the food serving industry. The exhibition Restaurant Hotel-Motel Show 2013 is organised by National Restaurant Association in Chicago from 18th to 21st of May 2013. This is the 94-th anniversary of the show. Each year more than 60 000 profesionals and 2 000...

07.05.13 | News

Commission proposes landmark package to modernise, simplify and strengthen the agri-food chain in Europe

The European Commission has adopted a package of measures to strengthen the enforcement of health and safety standards for the whole agri-food chain. Food safety is essential to ensure consumers' confidence and sustainability of food production. The package of measures provide a modernised and simplified, more risked-based approach to the protection of health and more efficient control...