Conferência Internacional

28.06.12 | Perfil e apresentações dos participantes

Iva Yurukova

“My name is Iva Yurukova, born on 31.10.1993. I live in an interesting town, Zlatica and I have just got my secondary education degree. I studied at the Agrarian Technical Professional School and specialized in “Economics of farming”. I would like to continue in higher education. My interests are in social and cultural activities. PRESENTATION "Zlatica city".pdf (10.16...

28.06.12 | Perfil e apresentações dos participantes

Zlatka Radeva

“My name is Zlatka Radeva, 18 years old, living in the Chelopech village, Sofia district. I want to be a young entrepreneur for sure. I also hope to be university student soon, which will make me happy and will naturally help me a lot make my dreams come true. PRESENTATION "Agro".pdf (1.68...

28.06.12 | Perfil e apresentações dos participantes

Ahmed Pingov

A responsible and positive person who never yields to hardships and always succeeds in achieving his goals. “I am a very good friend and am always ready to help people. I enjoy participating in competitions and contests. I am a person who seeks professional achievement in a good area that creates value and benefit for all people”. PRESENTATION "CAP: Past and Future".pdf (676.55...

28.06.12 | Perfil e apresentações dos participantes

Dr. Philip Von Brockdorff

GAL XLOKK FOUNDATION PRESENTATION „GAL XLOKK...working closely with the region’s local communities”.pdf(7.93...

28.06.12 | Perfil e apresentações dos participantes

Luis Chaves

Agronomist. Since 2002, is the executive director of MINHA TERRA Network, responsible for the coordination of training, communication, and good-practices dissemination projects. With a previous experi- ence under LEADER II National Animation Unit and Local /Rural devel- opment projects. MINHA TERRA Minha Terra is a federation of 53 Local Development Associations, responsible for local...

28.06.12 | Perfil e apresentações dos participantes

Margus Vain

Margus Vain is an architect in his work life, but besides that he is also a proud father of his four children and he still finds time to contribute to his community. He is the village elder of his village Patika, also the board member of the association of village elders in Rae municipality, the board member of the county association – Kodukant Harjumaa and of the national organization...

28.06.12 | Perfil e apresentações dos participantes

Hristo Cvetanov

Chairman of the Association of Agricultural Producers in Bulgaria (AAPB). BULGARIAN ASSOCIATION OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCERS The Bulgarian Association of Agricultural Producers is a non-profit legal entity, registered in September 2004. The organization's membership consists of registered agricultural producers, entrepreneurs, regarding agriculture as a serious business activity and...

28.06.12 | Perfil e apresentações dos participantes

Joseph German

NATIONAL FARMERS UNION PRESENTATION “Maltese Farmers’ view on the CAP”.pdf (437.4...

28.06.12 | Perfil e apresentações dos participantes

Leho Verk

Adviser to the Board, Head of the Farmers’ Co-operation Centre. ESTONIAN FARMERS’ FEDERATION Estonian Farmers’ Federation is an umbrella organization established in 1989, unitingregion alandfield organizations of Estonian farmers. It’s subdivision Farmers’Co-operationCentre provide ssupport and counsel for producers groups in co-operative marketing, processing...

28.06.12 | Perfil e apresentações dos participantes

Paulo Aguas

Chairman of the Board of APPIZÊZERE. Assistant Professor in the School of Agriculture, Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco since 1997. Chairman of the Scientific Technical Unit of Natural Resources and Sustainable Development, Vice-Chairman of the Scientific Technical. Chairman of the Board’s Operations Centre and National Technological horticultural. Member of the Board of...

28.06.12 | Perfil e apresentações dos participantes

Natalia Todorova

Executive director of the National Association of grain producers, Bulgaria since April 2011; in charge of operational activities and involved in the drafting of strategies and programmes for the organization. NATIONAL GRAIN GROWERS ASSOCIATION The National Grain Growers Association is a sectoral organisation of Bulgarian grain growers which was established in 2006. The Association consists...

28.06.12 | Perfil e apresentações dos participantes

Jaanus Heinsar

In 2005, Jaanus Heinsar graduated from the Tallinn University in the field of sociology. On 1 April 2003, he entered the service of the Ministry of Agriculture as Chief Specialist of the Bureau of EU Affairs of the Public and Foreign Relations Department. From 1 April 2008 to 31 July 2011 he performed the duties of the coun- selor of agriculture, fisheries and environment at the EU Secretariat...

28.06.12 | Perfil e apresentações dos participantes

Desislava Karchanova

Head of Direct Payments and Market Support Directorate, Ministry of Agriculture and Food. PRESENTATION "The Common Agricultural Policy of the EU and its implementation in Bulgaria”.pdf (1.42...

28.06.12 | Perfil e apresentações dos participantes

Angel Vukodinov

Chairman of The Board of Managers of the National Association of Grain Producers (NGPA), Bulgaria in November 2011, member and former chairman of the "Association of producers of oilseeds and cereals" - Plovdiv (now the "Union of Grain Producers - Plovdiv) and grain producer. As chairman of the NGPA has a representative function, he is responsible for leadership and management of the NGPA...
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