CAP:re:turn to the future

The School Milk Scheme application period begins September 1st

27.08.12 | News

Schools, suppliers or organisations that represent one or more schools can participate in the EU scheme. SFA will accept applications in its regional structures based on the school location or the registration address of the rest of the candidates. Documents can be submitted until September 30th. SFA will pay for up to 0.25 litres of milk per child per day. The milk must be given in a disposable package and the label must contain the product amount and expiration date. The same requirements apply for cheese. If sandwiches are offered, they need to be packaged separately and the amount of dairy product must be indicated on the label. The scheme does not cover expenses for milk and dairy products used for cooking.

The amount of subsidy the European Commission distributes through SFA varies between 16.34 and 138.85 euro per 100 kilos of dairy product depending on the product category. The full list of admissible products and their respective categories can be found in Regulation (ЕC) № 657/2008.

The School Milk Scheme aims to accustom children to the habit of having milk and dairy products and to create a lasting interest in healthy nutrition. The scheme encompasses all state or private preschools, elementary schools and high schools.