CAP:re:turn to the future

Francis Galea

Francis Galea was born in Malta in 1953. He studied at St. Albert’s the Great College and later on at the University of Malta from where he graduated in Journalism. After his studies he entered the Civil Service and worked in various departments. These included the Health Department, Agriculture and Fisheries Department, and the Department of Social Security. He has participated in various seminars and conferences both in Malta and overseas. Between 1996 and1998 he was a member on the Board of Co-Operatives and Acting Chairperson for one year on the same Board.

Since 1999, Francis Galea was engaged as Senior Information Officer with the Board of Co-Operatives and worked closely with most of the local co-operatives especially those in the agricultural and livestock sector. He has already published nine well researched books, one of which is a text-book about the formation and management of co-operatives.


Small Member States Deserve Preferential Treatment (EN).pdfpdf.gif (2.86 MB)